Tired but I ain't dreaming falling into solid air
And why I must be leaving or one of these days
I'm gonna pull out all my hair
These habits are so hard to break and they're so easy to make



Oh, god, it's so nice to have this back. To be able to lay on my bed and not worry about moving a fraction of an inch, lest I lose the wispy signal from the wireless apartment internet.

However, I've kind of forgotten how to waste my time on the internet. I've discovered a world with friends, class, a boyfriend, and the like, and to be here alone again, in my apartment, with just me and a computer... it's kind of depressing.

At least I have it as an option now.

So. Jay and I spent... a lot of time together this weekend. From the 32 hour stint on Friday/Saturday, to Sunday, where we had originally planned to be apart. Jann called me around 5:00 and asked what we were doing that evening, and it ended up with much geekery at her apartment with Jay and myself, then I took him home and didn't leave until 6 in the morning.

I am proud to say that was my first true "all-nighter" of staying awake until sunrise. It certainly didn't feel that long. I suppose that's the best thing about a relationship - having someone with whom to pass the time, be it in conversation, in thoughts, in snogging, and a world of other things.

My parents want to meet him, and I'm kind of avoiding it. I think they would like him, but I don't particularly know the rules on the whole ordeal (How long do you date before the parent introductions, anyway?). Also, he's not of the same belief system as my parents and myself, and while they've never been one to corner people about religion in the past, this is different, because it's me.

I don't know. I'm not nervous, really. They're good people, and I think they'd get along swimmingly, but, well. Neh. I need to talk to him about it, I suppose.


I miss him already. That's bad.

Roommate time!

1 have eaten my cookies

Nicole - 2007-08-29 02:53:42
Awwwww! I'm sooooo HAPPY for you Red!!! That is so cool! (((HUGS)))

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