This is over my head
But underneath my feet
'cause by tomorrow morning
I'll have this thing beat
And everything will be
Back to the way that it was
I wish that it was just that easy

Things Rachel Just Learned:

1) I have 4 boxes' worth of books. This is a lot more than I thought I had. Wowzers.

2) Old books get very dusty.

3) I have a painful reaction to sweat and dust.

4) Even showers and lotion don't get rid of the need to scratch all of your flesh off. I already knew this one, though.

5) I hate my skin. Hate it so much.

I decided to get a head start on tomorrow's activities, and start packing up all of my books. I got them taken care of, but about halfway through, I started itching. Really, really bad.

But I kept going.

So now I'm through with the books, I can't breathe due to all the dust I stirred up in here, and my midsection, legs, and arms are raw with red welts and rashes.

I hope this ceases by tomorrow. I really do not want to be welty and miserable while I'm moving.

Speaking of tomorrow.

I have a doctor's appointment, with intent to pick up some birth control. This is a big step for me, considering I've never even thought about having sex with anyone (in real terms. Of course I've thought about it). Though, the BC will probably just be used for help in regulating hormone/mood swings and cramping, but still.

I feel all adult-like. It's fun. And just a smidge terrifying, but in a really good way.

Another boy. I will not go into specifics, because I am still adjusting to this one.

Yes, I am in a flighty phase. I'm learning to talk to people, to see what I want, to see what I don't, and to see what makes me happy. It's a very good feeling.

The style of this diary keeps shifting. Some of my entries are full of florid prose, and others are just blunt, to the point, and full of contractions and everyday speak.

That suits me just fine, considering that's how I talk. I use big words, wild gesticulations, and then I run around saying "Dude" and "awesome."

Such is life.

Anyway. The boy is intelligent, and geeky, and he has not phoned me to get me to say something naughty in his ears. We IMed late into the night last night, and it was good.

We shall see how this one goes.

He is not fake, like Ron, the boy at UTD who has latched onto me and wants to be exactly what I need, except he has no clue who I am.

He is not perverted, he is not distant, he is not 36, he is not many things. And he is many things, as well. However...

He is... simply Jay.

And that is good.

Simply Jay kept me chit-chattering until 1:30 in the morning, so I think I will crash now.


0 have eaten my cookies

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J is for...
