But if it doesn't brush my shoulder,
And it doesn't beat my heart,
That's not what I want,
That's not where I will start.
I never kissed somebody so that they would break my heart,
That's not what I want.


So, I've assessed this situation. We will call him Lewie. Because that name seems appropriate.

He is 9, almost 10, years older than me. He works as a teacher of Mathematics. He was very friendly, very geeky, very fun to talk to. He asked for my number, and I gave it to him, seeing little harm in it. I still don't see much harm in it.


The conversation, which started comfortably and easily, took a downhill turn pretty quickly. I'm not easily offended by cussing. I have a knack for it myself on days when I'm really laid back or really irritated.

But one slip of his tongue kind of made me think he's hiding something. And then he kept leading the conversation, innocently enough, to sex. He kept pressuring me, and asking me why I didn't want to talk about it, and why I was dancing around the subject.

Then, when I answered truthfully that I don't want to talk about sex with a stranger, and I also don't have anything to talk about, he acted like I had been overly defensive.


I don't see myself talking to him again.

He asked if I thought he was a creepy, dirty old man for talking to me. I didn't think so, at first. Age has nothing to do with it. I've met creepy men my age, I've met creepy men his age.

He just happens to be one.


This is good learning experience, but I'm not giving out the phone number to anyone like that again. If ever.

Christ, people really can be whoever they want to be on the internet. Why did it take me so long to figure that out? Damn my trusting nature.

So, that little adventure was a blast.

Leave it to a man to try to ruin a great evening by being a creepy pervert. He tried to tell me every man is a pervert, and they'll all talk to me like that.

Uh-huh. 'cause I've never been friends with boys. I know the difference between "Desperate to get laid or to hear a girl say anything even slightly sexual" and "Good friend," thank you.

To that I say, good day sir.


1 have eaten my cookies

Nicole - 2007-08-07 02:40:59
What a creep! I would also have been offended. Luckily I haven't yet had any bad experiences with internet people, but then again, I don't go to chat rooms much, I mostly talk to people I've met here. And I caught that sarcasm bit at the end. LOL Good for you.

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Eff that guy. Cept don't.
