Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold gound
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

Just let me breathe for a moment, please. I don't ask much of you. In fact, I ask less than you are willing to give. A lot less. I need only reassurance that you care, I do not need you to do anything to prove it.

In fact, in this moment, you could prove it by doing nothing. A strange concept, I am all too aware, but when the emotions hit me in a wave like this, only I can pull myself from the wreckage and assess. You cannot tug me free of this. Your added weight will only leave me drowning longer.

Drowning. How melodramatic. I'm not drowning, I'm just wading. But it's more than I'm willing to bear with the weight of more people on my shoulders.

I need alone time. I thrive on my own. Sometimes, social gatherings are welcome occasions to lessen the throb of the thoughts in my brain, but most times, I enjoy my solitude.

This doesn't mean I don't like you. But sometimes I do not want to be with anyone. It is not you. It really is me.

I enjoy my friends and loved ones enough that I don't want to get sick of them anytime soon. I'm a bit over-stimulated with excitement and people at the moment, that is all.

Just let me rest. I will return to you, I promise.


2 have eaten my cookies

Nicole - 2007-08-03 03:06:05
This entry was written for me. Well, that's how it feels anyway. You described exactly what I can't put into words.
mis - 2007-08-04 00:23:30
hey, baby chick - i woudl love to cook you some tasty foods and goof off for a few - maybe watch a movie. Adam Sandler, anyone? so, when you are feeling sociable, please gimme a call. i'm not always at my computer, but you're never far from my heart. =)

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Let me breathe.
