I'm not afraid to fall
I've fallen many times
They laughed when I fell down
But I have dared to climb
I'm not afraid to fall
I know I'll fall again
But I can win this in the end

Today was not the best day ever. Aside from the almost getting hit by a man with a white picket fence, the rest of the day was pretty lame as well.

Walking out of the building today, as it thundered and threatened to rain overhead, all I wanted to do was to stand there, throw off my glasses, drop my bags, and let it happen. Let the rain fall, let my vision fail, let myself just get soaked and let it all go.

But I drove home, hoping that, instead of getting soaked and miserable, I could curl up with some food and watch 300 with my father.

He decided he'd rather go to church.

That's fine. I'm moving out in a week. Hope he enjoys it.

I'm overly emotional tonight. I know this, and I'm trying to compensate for the weirdness. I'm still hurt, though.

So here I sit, watching The Fountain, trying to puzzle it out, while still wondering where my mother is, and if she's getting dinner or not.


1 have eaten my cookies

lapisllong - 2007-08-01 19:23:17
i understand. there are days that, no matter what rays of sunshine break through, they only serve to accentuate the misery and/or apathy of the rest of the day, blinding you and making the shadows that much harder to penetrate. i had a big hug but i couldn't find you to give it to you . . .

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PMS can bite me.
