Willow: She's acting like a B-I-T-C-H.
Giles: Don't you think we're old enough to stop spelling things out?
Xander: A bitca?

I write this as he's in the shower, while I have a moment where I am not cuddling, working, on the phone, studying, writing, sleeping, so much sleeping, watching a movie, etc.

It's hard to find time to write in private these days. I guess I could make time for it, since I do really enjoy it, there just always seems to be more on my plate at any given time.

Right now, I should be looking up sources for a paper that's due on Thursday. Sheet. I haven't really thought about that one at all. Huh. I better pick up the books I need on Tuesday.

Nothing like a fresh batch of procrastination in the morning to really get your body going.


I haven't abandoned you guys so much as I've abandoned the free time I once had on my hands. I still write, it just comes in spurts and in journals and notebooks. Typing still feels like the greatest release at times, but other times, holding the pencil in my hand and etching my life onto paper means so much more.

I guess I'm a traditionalist.

Oh, he's out of the shower. Time for me to get dressed and stuff.

Damn you, clothes.


0 have eaten my cookies

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I guess this is growing up?
