The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,

There's so much I need to do. So little time and money to do it in. Even that is another problem that I need to fix. So much, so much.

The bank is holding onto the $500 check my grandparents sent me until Friday, because I have a "new account." That means I have... $39 to last me until then. Work also moved to a biweekly payment schedule, so I won't get paid until Monday. Then I'll be flying free, but funds are tight for the time being.

I need to save money. I have a vacation coming up, and I really do not want to have to ask my parents for help to go on it. I want to be as independent as possible. I would have more saved had WaMu not screwed me over on overdraft fees.

"We'll give you a debit card, but no PIN number for 2 weeks after that, so have fun tracking your expenses, new college kid who has no experience with this. Also, when you overdraft, we'll just keep charging you instead of moving funds out of savings and into checking, like some places do. So, you owe us $150. Thanks. Have a nice day. Go fuck yourself.

Washington Mutual."

Anyway. So my money is tight for the time being, but I'll survive until Friday. Then rent is due. But I'll be paid and have that basically covered.

I also need to focus more on eating right. I feel better now that I've cut most of the high fat stuff out of my diet again. I still enjoy some eating out here and there, but I eat the chicken and indulge a little on the sides, but try not to splurge too much.

It's still not enough, though. I need to lose weight, not stay where I'm at.

I need to care more about school. I do care, and I do my projects and the assignments given to me, mostly.

I came down with what the guys are calling the office crud on Monday, and I've felt sniffly and sore-throated since then, so this speech that I have to give in a class I already hate just isn't happening.

Yes, I may end up with a B or B- grade in that class, but it's only a 1 hour course, and it's stupid. I like the teacher, and I don't want to disappoint her, but I feel like shit dipped in hell.

Then I have to go to work. God. I don't want to call people, or talk to idiots all day. I don't want to be too poor to go buy throat lozenges for myself, in case I need to buy gas before Friday.

I just want to curl up and die for a few days, until I feel better.

Whatevs. I guess I'll just suck it up and go to class/work. Not much else I can really do. I can't call in sick, but I can work kind of slowly, as long as I make some sales today.

Please let the customers be kind.


0 have eaten my cookies

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Miles to go.
