So, let go,let go
Jump in
Oh well, what you waiting for?
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

Okay. The meltdown earlier today has been replaced with better feelings. Or butter feelings. Mmm, butter.

The terms test in Government went shittily, but that's not really even my fault. The test is set up with 7 vocabulary terms taken from lectures, and our readings, and you have to define and give the importance of 5 of those 7. Each piece gives you 2 points, for a total of 20 points.

He makes 3 versions of the test, and hands them out so that cheating is pretty much impossible. That's nice and all, but I knew the terms on the other two test versions. I talked to my friends after the class, and they had comparatively easy words that he went over in class, compared to the obscure references on my version of the test.

Pissed off, I tell you. I feel good about 3 of them, and shaky about one, and I totally BS'd the last one. I'm aiming for around 15 points. I hope I got that high. Grar.

Anyway, after Gov and Lit (where I was a zombie), I came home and drank a bunch of tea, took some Ibuprofen, and tried to unwind. I napped for a bit, and while I still feel shitty, I feel a lot less so than I did this morning.


I hope this clears up by tomorrow, because I am not spending my weekend secluded in my apartment.

On that note, I'm going to go grab groceries and dinner. I hunger!

1 have eaten my cookies

Nicole - 2007-09-14 03:11:29
I hate that feeling. I hope that you DO feel better soon! HUGS

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