Safe and sound
Don't make a sound
Look up at the sky shit's going down
I heard a bang and stars collided
Her skin drew me in just like a magnet
Little girl my little world is yours

First night in the new apartment is complete, and I'm feeling pretty good. Still got some of the dust sniffles from all the moving and packing and moving and unpacking, but it's getting better.

Roommates are awesome thus far. KayLo, the collective form of the two girls already in here, are the ones I met at Orientation. They are still just as cool as they were when I first met them.

And KayLo has a friend over, a fellow worshiper of Joss Whedon. Yes, we have much geekery to commit in this apartment.


Jay is moving here in 8 days. So, a week to prepare myself for meeting him. We're still talking just as comfortably, and he's made it pretty clear that, given a thumbs-up from me, he would love to date me.

That still blows my mind. He thinks I'm cute, he can barely wait to talk to me when I log on, we share a lot of things in common, but our personalities differ on a few topics that make it not so monotonous. And it's not even verging on monotonous. We share things in common, but we love the ensuing bonding that comes from sharing a joke, or a love of an author or something.

It's comfortable, and it's amusing, and I want to see what it could be like with him here. I hope it's good.

He told me that I'm a little younger than he normally would aim for. And that's understandable. However, he also made sure to note that the connection vibe we're getting is a bit too powerful to let age be a deciding factor in it.

I'm 18, legally an adult, and his being 25 doesn't really bother me at all. So if he's comfortable with that difference, all is good.

He's moving to a nearby city, for a job opportunity, and he'll be within a 15 minute or so drive. That's crazy.

I'm used to only attracting people who live a day or two's drive away, if I'm lucky.

So this is nice. It's nice to have someone to talk to, about seemingly anything and everything. I don't know how we'll react in person, but there don't seem to be any warning signs or anything making me uncomfortable.

Just curiosity and a bit of nerves.

Happiness. :)


2 have eaten my cookies

Nicole - 2007-08-12 17:02:00
That's so cool, good luck with EVERYTHING. Jay and the new apartment!
lapisllong - 2007-08-13 22:33:10
ZOMG! i miss your constant love already, darlin! Dare has gone home and i'm no longer hosting so i'm free whenever, you just call and i'll come running. or driving. i'm fonder of the driving option as i won't get far running . . . maybe just to my car. =)

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