I'm still in transition mode, here. I've got some writing I'd love to do, but the whole "Your layout is full of empty links and things that make no sense" thing is still distracting me from giving my full attention to this little text box.

But I want to write. And so I shall.

But first I will talk to Z, because Z makes me happy.

So, I took a nap this afternoon. A nap that ended at 9:00 in the pm, with me being very hungry and confused and kind of angry and hurt. I go through this kind of emotional routine every time I wake up, but this time it was really bad.

Waking up is hard to do. Sleep is such a wonderful thing, that coming out of it seems like the worst possible idea ever crafted. Bleh.

I just need to set my alarm when I nap. Seriously. I like hour-long naps. But 4 hours is just enough to feel like I slept a whole night, but didn't get enough. And it's enough to make me not sleepy until midnight.


At least I have company.

Mom's going to think I'm pissed at her, again. Lovely. I woke her up when I went to ask my father why nobody had bothered to wake me. She is not fun after she's woken up, and I was already almost in tears from the confusion of the whole thing. I hope the morning goes okay.




Okay, real writing will return shortly. This was just a quickie to get some stuff out of my system.


1 have eaten my cookies

lapisllong - 2007-07-26 18:03:16

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Naps = Sleep. Sleep = Zzzz. Z = Cute.
