There's nothing quite like walking into a comic book/gaming store, hearing the bell of the door above the sudden hush that falls upon the people inside. You could hear a pin drop when I open the door into the new store that opened up locally.


Because I am female. It happened yesterday. It happened again today. It's adorable, and hilarious. Once you wander around like you know what you're doing, they calm down and start talking, but there are occasional glances. Suspicious ogles, I dare say.

Nothing squicky. I don't feel as though I'm being harassed. I feel like I'm an alien invader, but not uncomfortable. Just a new and uncertain presence.

The boys are sweet, though. They offer to help, and once I strike up a conversation, things settle into their normal routine. Cute boy sells me Magic cards, we talk about video games, and I feel like I'm part of something again.

The boy who gave me the biggest "WTF" look when I walked in, hopped up and non-chalantly sidled over when I started talking to the clerk about MMORPG's. He joined in the conversation, and I cast him a big smile.

I don't know if he sidled over because he's friends with the clerk, or if he wanted to talk to a real, live girl, but it was flattering just the same. Pretty cute, actually.

Then I sneak out while the boys are distracted, I open my goodies, and I enjoy the time I spent in there.

I used to be afraid of walking into such places. I forgot the power of boobs. Silly me.


0 have eaten my cookies

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Behold, the power of breasts.
