Mmm, Saturday!

The glorious day where I get to sleep a few extra hours, which are negated by the few extra hours I stayed awake the night before. Somehow, though, I manage to feel more awake and alert than I do throughout the week.

Call it psychology, or call it "I am just not a morning person." Whatever it happens to be, it works!

So, I could write like this for hours, I think. There are a lot of thoughts circling around in my head, most of them empty and pointless, and some of them happy and heartwarming.

Others are a mite depressing, but I leave them alone.

This morning, I woke up at 5:00 to the sound of a hungry cat (one of our own), demanding food. That was fun.

I then went back to bed and slept until 9, when the parents got home. Mom and I then took my car up to the shop to get it repaired.

It will not get looked at until Monday, but that is fine. Well, except for the part where I have to drive my mother's car until Chloe is repaired. I like her car, but I do not like driving it.

Where Chloe is tight and cozy, Mom's car is big and bulky. I know how hard to push my pedals, and when to brake where, and such, but in Mom's car, everything is so much more sensitive and... it just makes me uncomfortable.

But I will survive, somehow.

I'm sleepy. More later.

0 have eaten my cookies

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Poor Chloe.
